Agent Broker Compensation
Most of the time, you'll never even need to reach out to carrier reps. Instead, you'll have access to a wide variety of training sessions made available each week to broaden your knowledge of how to sell Medicare. As an insurance agent, you know how important it is to help protect your clients' finances. However, don't underestimate the value of protecting yourself as well. Another option for Medicare recipients is to stick with Original Medicare and supplement it with Medigap coverage to help cover some of the costs of care. These plans tend to be more expensive for the plan holder but less lucrative than Medicare Advantage for you as an agent. Commissions are based on a percentage of the Medigap premium, rather than flat rates as with Medicare Advantage or prescription drug plans. This one is tricky because it’s possible that you may be able discuss some ancillary plans during a Medicare sales appointment, but that’s only if your client has checked off those boxes ...